This is our group photo of the cast and crew - they are such a fun crowd to work with that I do wish the show could go on forever.

Earlier, on May 8, soon after we retruned from the cruise, I was invited by J kitties of Crizcats to a surprise party that they had organized for their human daddy, the script writer for our show. What scrumptious food...yum!!!!! Lots of other kitties were there as well.....

So glad that you liked your gift from the CCSI executives. The group photo taken by Opus and Roscoe was great! So nice to have all of us wishing the moms a Happy Mother's Day.
It was great working with you and I am so proud of the work you did on the set. Glad to have you on board for the show.
You were the best actress in CCSI and the most beautiful.
Love, Riley XOXO
After being part of CCSI your life will never be the same!!!! HAHAHAHAHA
P.S. Don't forget to come by our blog tomorrow we will have an important post up!
It was alot of fun :)
Oh Charlotte, I had so much fun working with you on CCSI. Sorry it has taken so long for me to stop by and visit. We hope your Mom had a happy birthday. Come see us soon, Charybdis and I have lots of fun things planned for us to do. ~Scylla
PS: Socks & Charybdis say hi.
Hi Charlotte - just stepping by!
P.S. Don't forget to post you picture at our reception blog!
Charlotte, {{{{{Hugs}}}}} from all of us at JFF, in memory of Bonnie Underfoot.
I'm coming by to make sure you are ok----ok?
Riley XOXO
Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. Our favorite is the group shot of all of you. We hope you are all having a purrfect start to the new year. Thanks for sharing this pretty fun post.
World of Animals
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