Momo has invited me to go on a cruise with her and some of our friends. We are meeting at Socks's garden for a picnic first before sailing around the Bay of Mexico and up to Florida to visit some friends. Being in Australia, we have a long way to go. So we have to leave bright and early this morning. Here are Charlie, Momo and I lazing out on deck, soaking up the warm sun, with snacks and iced drinks by our side and catching up on some magazine reading..........

photo by Momo
Good to see Socks, Charybdis and Scylla again. Their Butterfly Memorial Garden is looking lovely in spring with many flowers in bloom......

Photo by Momo, edited by Sassy
Then it's sailing time with efurryone on deck enjoying the sun.....

Photo by Sassy, edited by Momo
After cruising the Bay of Mexico, we head up north to see the Zoolatry, Daisy, Samantha and Tigger and Debra's beautiful kitties.
Do you see what I see? Over at the pier are Maggy and Zoey waiting to welcome us with lots of yummy food and drink.....

Photo by the
Oh Charlotte! Isn't it wonderful to cross the big blue ocean with a bunch of friends on a great boat! Who knows where the adventure will take us....
What a wonderful cruise! I bet you are having a fun time with all your friends!
Have a blast!
Welcome aboard the Hijinx. We are going to have so much fun today with all of our friends. I can hardly wait to see what happens.
The weather in Florida is perfect for cruising! I cannot wait until you arrive.
Charlotte, Isn't this is a perfect day for a picnic and a cruise?
It's such a fun day, it's going to be hard to watch you and your cousin Momo and Charlie leave.
What a fun day we had with all. We need to do something like this again, but not too soon.
Great to see all of our friends.
Charlotte, thank you for helping me catch the sea gull. ~Scylla
It was very nice to see you again Charlotte, thanks for bringing the fashion magazines for us to look through. ~Charybdis
Great to see you again Charlotte. ~Socks
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